Discipleship Reads

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#Discipleship #Disciplemakers #DiscipleshipCoach #MakeDisciples #DiscipleshipTips #KoinoniaTips #greatcommission https://koinoniaforge.org/
#Discipleship #Disciplemakers #DiscipleshipCoach #MakeDisciples #DiscipleshipTips #KoinoniaTips #greatcommission https://koinoniaforge.org/
#Discipleship #Disciplemakers #DiscipleshipCoach #MakeDisciples #DiscipleshipTips #KoinoniaTips #greatcommission https://koinoniaforge.org/
Embracing a Life of Discipleship and Surrender

In “Follow Him” by Mark Bailey, readers are invited on a transformative journey of discipleship and surrender. This book review will explore the profound insights and practical wisdom shared by Bailey as he calls believers to wholeheartedly follow Jesus Christ. Discover the seven attributes of a disciple as outlined by Dr. Bailey, and be inspired to embrace a life of discipleship that reflects the teachings and example of our Lord. Get ready to embark on a transformative adventure that will deepen your faith, ignite your passion for Christ, and empower you to follow Him wholeheartedly.

True discipleship involves not just hearing the Word, but also embodying it through intentional action and a life transformed by its power.

Mark Bailey

Unveiling the Call to Discipleship

“Follow Him” unveils the call to discipleship and emphasizes the importance of following in the footsteps of Jesus. Mark Bailey explores the life and teachings of Christ, revealing the radical nature of true discipleship. Through profound insights and engaging storytelling, Bailey inspires readers to pursue a deeper, more authentic relationship with Christ, challenging them to surrender their lives fully to Him.

The Seven Attributes of a Disciple

Dr. Bailey identifies seven key attributes that characterize a disciple of Jesus Christ. These attributes include unwavering commitment, a teachable spirit, a servant’s heart, a prayerful life, a hunger for God’s Word, a passion for evangelism, and a love for God’s people. In this section, we will explore each attribute and its significance in the life of a disciple.

Unwavering Commitment

A disciple is committed to following Jesus wholeheartedly, regardless of the cost. It involves a steadfast dedication to obedience, even in the face of challenges or persecution.

Teachable Spirit

A disciple has a humble and teachable spirit, recognizing the need to continually grow and learn from God’s Word, mentors, and the Holy Spirit. This attribute fosters spiritual growth and deepens one’s understanding of God’s truth.

Servant’s Heart

A disciple embodies the servant nature of Jesus, willingly serving others with love, humility, and compassion. By imitating Christ’s example of servanthood, disciples reflect God’s love to the world.

Prayerful Life

A disciple understands the vital importance of prayer and cultivates a deep, intimate relationship with God through consistent and fervent prayer. Prayer becomes a powerful avenue for communing with God, seeking His guidance, and interceding for others.

Hunger for God’s Word

A disciple has a deep hunger and thirst for God’s Word, recognizing it as the ultimate authority and source of truth. Regular study and meditation on Scripture fuel spiritual growth, provide guidance, and foster intimacy with God.

Passion for Evangelism

A disciple embraces the Great Commission, actively sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with others. This attribute involves a burning desire to see others encounter the transformative power of the gospel and experience salvation.

Love for God’s People

A disciple demonstrates genuine love and care for fellow believers, recognizing the importance of community, encouragement, and support in the journey of faith. This attribute involves fostering unity, forgiveness, and compassion within the body of Christ.

Discipleship is not just a one-time decision; it’s a lifelong journey of continually surrendering our will to the Lordship of Christ and aligning our lives with His teachings.

Mark Bailey

Surrendering All

Embracing the Lordship of Christ is central to being a disciple and follower of Jesus. Surrender is a key theme in “Follow Him,” and in this section, Bailey explores the importance of embracing the Lordship of Christ in every area of our lives. He challenges readers to yield their will to the perfect will of God, trusting in His wisdom and guidance.

Walking the Journey of Discipleship

The final section focuses on practical steps for walking the journey of discipleship. Bailey provides insightful guidance on cultivating a deep prayer life, immersing oneself in the study of God’s Word, and actively engaging in a community of believers for mutual encouragement and growth.

In Summary

“Follow Him” by Mark Bailey is a compelling call to embrace a life of discipleship and surrender to the lordship of Jesus Christ. Through profound insights, practical guidance, and the identification of the seven attributes of a disciple, this book challenges believers to fully commit to the transformative journey of following Him. Prepare to be transformed as you heed the call to follow Him wholeheartedly, embracing the attributes that mark a devoted disciple of Jesus Christ.

Read More on Discipleship.

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