Discipleship Reads

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#Discipleship #Disciplemakers #DiscipleshipCoach #MakeDisciples #DiscipleshipTips #KoinoniaTips #greatcommission https://koinoniaforge.org/
#Discipleship #Disciplemakers #DiscipleshipCoach #MakeDisciples #DiscipleshipTips #KoinoniaTips #greatcommission https://koinoniaforge.org/
#Discipleship #Disciplemakers #DiscipleshipCoach #MakeDisciples #DiscipleshipTips #KoinoniaTips #greatcommission https://koinoniaforge.org/
Dare to Believe: A Gripping Faith and Resilience Journey

In Moving Mountains, John Eldredge offers a powerful guide to prayer and spiritual warfare. Drawing on personal experience, biblical teaching, and insights from church history, Eldredge shows readers how to deepen their prayer lives and engage in effective spiritual warfare.

One of the strengths of Moving Mountains is Eldredge’s emphasis on the importance of intimacy with God. As he writes, “Prayer is a conversation between you and God. It’s where you most honestly and vulnerably speak with him about the things that matter most to you.” Eldredge encourages readers to cultivate a deep and authentic relationship with God through prayer.

Another key theme of the book is the reality of spiritual warfare. Eldredge argues that the Christian life is a battle and that prayer is a key weapon in that battle. He draws on examples from Scripture, such as the story of David and Goliath, to show how prayer can be a powerful tool for overcoming obstacles and defeating the enemy.

In the context of leadership, Moving Mountains offers valuable insights into the role of prayer in leadership. Eldredge writes, “Leadership is all about hearing from God and then moving forward in faith.” He emphasizes the need for leaders to seek God’s guidance and direction through prayer, and to rely on God’s strength and provision in the face of challenges.

Throughout the book, Eldredge cites numerous biblical passages and stories to illustrate his points. He also draws on insights from church history, including the teachings of the Desert Fathers and Mothers, to show how prayer has been a vital part of Christian discipleship throughout the ages.

For example, in discussing the importance of intimacy with God, Eldredge cites Matthew 6:6: “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” And in discussing the reality of spiritual warfare, he cites Ephesians 6:12: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

Overall, Moving Mountains is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to deepen their prayer life and engage in effective spiritual warfare. Eldredge’s insights, rooted in Scripture and church history, offer a compelling vision for how prayer can transform our lives and impact the world around us. And his emphasis on the role of prayer in leadership offers valuable guidance for leaders seeking to follow God’s will and advance His kingdom.

Read More on Spiritual Growth.
Topics Covered: Prayer / Spiritual Warfare

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